Sunday, November 14, 2010

The End

Giving up as a strategy, not a failure. We want to win the war, not winning the battle.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Article to submit!

I want to submit an article for the college newsletter. What would it be?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happiness within

I never felt so happy to go to classes.
Until this semester.
Thanks to ESQ 165 for opening my eyes, my mind, and all my senses.
Thanks to my father, for sending me there.
Thanks to my mother, for being so patience with my attitude.
Thanks to my sister, for inspiring me.
Thanks to Hans, for accompanying through hard times.
Thanks to my lecterur, for teaching me now.
Thanks to my teachers, for teaching me yesteryear.
Thanks to my interpol alumni, for making me feel happy.
Thanks to my friends, who pays their attention to me.
Thanks to everybody, who accept me as who i am.

And, all thanks to Allah the most gracious and merciful for giving me time to live and repair my broken dreams...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am ready to slices you into pieces!

Friday, March 12, 2010

You turn my head right round right round

this is the best song to describe my situation now...

my registration process is taking more than a week!

OMG how i miss the easy way to register and straight to the class.

Ya Allah, forgive me of my disobedience

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The end has no end

I am in a loop!
spin your head right round right round when you go down when you go down down...
eyh, this cycle of life, when it is going to stop circling?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

is this the end?

I dunno, but i have to make a decision.