im already in my new semester, which i call EXTRA CHEESE semester. why? because if you go to KFC, it will cost you more for extra cheese. same goes at pizza hut, extra cheese topping will cost you more money. and this analogy fits my extra cheese semester, which cost me more money too.
this new semester started on 13th of july 2009.
on my 1st day, i went to 3 classes, Analytical Method for Engineers which i prefer to call by its abbreviation AME, followed by Project Management class, as known as, PM and Engineering Maths class in the evening.
AME was thought by Mr Ilango, who is also our HND program coordinator. on the 1st class, he just give us a short brief about HND, since my whole class are transferring from foundation studies to HND program, except for me [ and a few students too :p ]. After 2 hours, i excuse myself to go to the next class, PM, taught by Ms Ganagambei.
PM class also suspended the first lesson since only a few students attend the class. most of them either not yet registered or just lazy to go on the 1st day. The class lasted for half an hour filled with gossips and such.
evening class, Engineering Maths, started at 2 p.m. so i ve decided to go the CC and go online for a while. i went for a lunch at 1 p.m. and then go straight to the class. Mr Balamurugan give us a short brief on what we are going to go through his class. but thats short brief turns to be a 2 hours of nagging and silences that occurs among most of the students. What to do? Mr Balamurugan is famous for his fierce personality.
In the evening, i opened Crushee as usual. Sales is not that good since many of us is not here yet. Plus, maybe they did not know we are already operating. yet.
later that night, I went out with Kak Bib and Dani sending Haja to the clinic. she is having a fever. and was jabbed. the problem is, the muscles that is being jab is swelling badly... which happens to be an inflammatory reaction. we have our dinner at a tomyam restaurant. sadly, Haja can't eat anything that she ordered. So, we search for a Coconut. we went to Giant and search at other tomyam restaurant around putra nilai, but nothing we could find. At last, we find it at As-Salam, a mamak restaurant. :D
On the 2nd day, i went for 2 classes. Quality Assurance and Management [QA&M] class in the morning, and Heat Transfer and Combustion [Heat] class in the evening. QA&M class did not start its lesson yet, but Heat is a different story. I was planning to go to Catur Bistari competition and was hoping that HEAT class will finish earlier. but sadly, Mr Raja Danial wont waste a single minutes and started his class with 4 students only. after that class, i went back home and sleep because my head is spinning. i woke up again just before seven to perform asar prayer. later that night, Kak Bib asked me to join her and her housemate to go to McD. at first, i declined thats invitation because i was thinking about opening Crushee. But then, Salman, my business partner told me that someone is reporting in for work. that is a relief thats allows me to skip Crushee and spend times with my friends. So, im off to McD then.
The 3rd day is the most relaxing one. I went to the Heat class at 8 o'clock in the morning, and sleep in class for about 2 hours. later, when the class finish at 11 a.m. i need to attend AME class, next door. but, Mr Ilango is on MC, so i have decided to go to SC02 and online again. At 2.30 p.m. i went out with Kak Bib to go to KFC Rasah Jaya. This is my 2nd official play of Catur Bistari. Unfortunately, i did not win, since our banker is a little bit slow and we play wait and see.
At 6.30 p.m. i went back to college. after dinner, i opened crushee for 2hours. I just open and closed it, since we have a new worker to entertain the customer, which gives me a chance to write this entry.
So, thats all for now.