it is a wet morning, when i was rushing to my class which i dun really have actually... without knowing the facts that the class have been canceled, i went through the pouring rain...
while making my way to the class, i accidentally slipped my foot and fell down at block A4. my leg hurts as it hits the elevated floor edge... i contain my pain and get up... while examining my painful leg...
i sit down for a while to get my strength back... before going to the college's clinic. i am very thankful because it is open. I went inside and told the nurse what happen. the nurse examine my leg and decided to put some ointment and give it a slight massage, before applying a bondage around my feet. it is very painful in the inner heel... and my outer heel is about to swell... later she provide me with painkiller and papain [a swelling medication pill]. also borrowed a walking sticks from there.
i decided to have my stomach filled before taking the pills. so i went to the restaurant. on my a way, a friend stops his car after seeing my condition, and offers me a ride. i am so thankful back then.
my main plan today is to make a birthday party for my friend, Siha. even though my leg hurts, i followed another friend, Kbib to buy all the preparations. we went to Tesco for the groceries and Taman Semarak for the tiramisu.
later that evening, i fall asleep because walking with stick is very tiring... i woke up at 6 and start frying the wedges and fries for the party tonight... at 8, everything is done... and packed inside the van. we prepared the party at the newly open foodcourt by the lake...
Siha arrived before 9 p.m. and the party started... she was angry because kbib promised her to watch movie but instead, they are here celebrating her birthday... but she is also happy for the party...
the party then changed place from the foodcourt to SC02 because there is no power source to use the electric grill to make baked corn... the party finish at 12midnite.
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