That is how we should do our assignments.
Today is Thursday.
I should come the Project Management class this morning... but I didn't.
Then, in the evening, engineering maths class makes me sleepy.
Mr Bala was like showing us a few graphs, and I am clueless.
Z Z Z ... I snoozed away...
When I wake up, the class is about to finish.
I went to SC02 printing shop, to finish my Quality Assurance assingment.
I was very glad that as soon as I arrived at the lecterurs office, Madam is still there. She is about to leave.
I asked her about my result, and so far everything I already passed, except for the assignment that I submit just now.
We will see about that later.
5 more subjects' assignments waiting. 2 each, total up to 10 assignments.
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